Our Purpose

Our purpose is to be a community development Centre engaging in a broad range of strategies that promote community health and development.

We engage in advocacy initiatives to raise awareness about social concerns and advocate for structural reform. Better Days Empowerment seeks to create a more equitable and inclusive society by campaigning for legislation and activities that address disparities, prejudice, and social injustices. We foster a sense of community by arranging events, support groups, and community development projects. By bringing people together, we foster common support, collaboration, and a joint effort toward positive change.


BDE Directors

Ida Eyongetah

Make a donation

On a daily basis, many people face enormous obstacles such as impoverishment, malnutrition, a lack of access to health care and schooling, and a lack of development resources. You can directly contribute to giving essential resources and support to people in need by giving to Better Days Empowerment.